B.E in Civil Engineering, Year: 2013 to 2017, Tagore Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
M.tech in Geo-informatics, Year: 2017 to 2019, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, West Bengal.
Work Experiences:
Junior Research Fellow - National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee;
Project Associate II - Institute of Remote Sensing, Anna University, Chennai &
Senior GIS Executive - NeoGeoInfo Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Agartala.
B.Tech - TKM College of Engineering, Kollam (2013-2017)
M.Tech - Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur (2018-2020)
Joint supervision with Prof. Jeffrey Walker through IITB Monash University
Joint supervision with Prof. Subhankar Karmakar through IDP Climate Studies
Present Affiliation: Research Engineer
Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Ankita receives the AGU travel grant for year 2019
Ankita receives the AGU travel grant and presented our work in AGU Fall meeting 2017
Present Affiliation: Post Doctoral Researcher, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), France
Graduated in 2022
Affiliation post PhD: Post Doctoral researcher at "Laboratoire de l'Atmosphère et des Cyclones" (LACy), a joint research lab between Météo-France, the "Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique" (CNRS) and the University of La Réunion.
Graduated in 2022.
Jointly guided by Prof. Subimal Ghosh
Fullbright Kalam fellowship awardee
Thiruvengadam receives the AGU travel grant and presents our work at Fall meeting 2018
Present Affiliation: Post Doctoral researcher, University of Bergen, Norway
Akhilesh recieves the AGU Travel grant for 2019
Akhilesh receives the AGU travel grant and presents our work in Fall meeting 2018
Akhilesh presented our work at the International Workshop/Conference on Coupled Data Assimilation at Toulouse, France, October 18 - 21, 2016
Previous affiliation post PhD: Post Doctoral Researcher, Meteo France, Toulouse